We often associate 5G with the general understanding of how it affects telecommunications — faster internet speed, widespread coverage, and the internet of things. We get to learn more about the important role 5G plays in the world of aviation in today’s...
Wireless is the fourth utility because it’s an integral part of business and social connection today. Carrie Charles welcomes Justin Marron, the Chief Executive Officer at Strategic Venue Partners (SVP) – which offers Wireless Infrastructure as a Service...
“Any infrastructure that uses fuel is an opportunity to remove and improve the conditions of the infrastructure.” This is what Alexandra Rasch Castillo, the founder and CEO of Caban Systems, believes. Having been enamored with the idea of removing...
Mike Simpson is the Chief Procurement Officer of T-Mobile and he believes that 5G for all is the best way to create an inclusive future. Being inclusive could mean several things both on the business side and in the culture side. Find out the work culture of T-Mobile...
Nokia is one of the biggest 5G players, not only in the US but in the whole world. As it embraces the next generation of technology, it is going to need to upscale its talent pool to meet new challenges. How does Nokia replenish its talent well, externally and...